SOS Situation

By Syed Ahmad Rufai SOS Situation (Illustration/Syed Ahmad Rufai) A silent nature’s environmental crisis i.e. climate change poses a threat any bigger than a nuke attack. It overall impacts the glaciers, society, rivers, forests, economy and ecosystem. The CO2 levels are rising since 1950’s industrial revolution, and the widely accepted reason behind it are human activities. The planet is getting warmer rapidly due to consumption of fossil fuels and products obtained from animals emitting methane. The UN predicts earth getting warmer by 2% w.r.t pre-industrial stage by the year 2100, but we are already at 1.5%. The factors add on to the crisis- heat waves around the world and temperature hitting the highest mercury of all times has taken lives of few until now. Europe being colder than the Artic…. sea levels are rising due to warmer temperatures. But, the repercussions are wider. Climate Change has had deleterious impact on the cold valley cupped between mountains. The vall...